Saturday, June 7, 2008

Being Intentional

Being intentional means doing something “on purpose.” Marketing should be intentional. It should have a purpose, and it should be targeted at your specific market. Let me give you an example of the results of not being intentional, and see if you can figure out the “marketing application.”

Last week my husband and I went to the grocery store without a list. I knew we needed to get ingredients for three meals, but thought I’d figure it out as I went through the store. Bad plan! We ended up with about 7 partial meals, and not one complete meal – all because I was too busy and distracted to make a list.

Can you see where the same thing can happen with your marketing? You know you need to do something, so you start doing a little of this and a little of that without really thinking through the whole process.

You need a plan. You need TO plan. Remember the old saying… If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

Over the next few posts we’ll talk about how to make a plan and how to implement it. And to get you thinking in the right direction, let me leave you with this to ponder… Who are your two best customers, and why? What is it about them that “qualifies” them as the best type of customer for you?